Mailout Offers

Stay aware of all exclusive and individual offers at TurksAndCaicosGames by subscribing to TurksAndCaicosGames's regular promotional newsletters. Know how.
TurksAndCaicosGames sends only relevant information to its players. We will make you aware of new and exciting services including exclusive offers. We may also contact you at times when important changes are made to our services. It's really important, therefore, that you make sure you can receive all e-mails that we send you.
Simply add [email protected] to your contacts or 'safe senders' list. Here is detailed information about how to set up your e-mail filtering options to allow our e-mails to be delivered to your system without being considered spam.
Windows Live Mail
- Sign in to Your Windows Live Mail account.
- Click on the 'Options' tab to open the drop down menu.
- Click on the 'More Options' tab.
- Click on the 'Allowed and blocked senders' link
- Choose 'Allowed mailing lists' option.
- Paste or type TurksAndCaicosGames email address into the 'To address for the mailing list' text field. Then simply click the 'Add to list' tab.
- Sign into Your Hotmail email account.
- To open Your Contacts list, click the 'Contacts' tab.
- Click on the 'Safe List' tab to open Your Safe List.
- Paste or type TurksAndCaicosGames email address into the 'Type an address or domain' text field. Then simply click the 'Add' tab.
- Sign in to Your MSN email account and go directly to Your 'Junk e-mail'.
- Click the 'Junk e-mail' tab in the lower left corner of Your Junk e-mail screen. This action will open the Junk e-mail Guard settings window.
- Click the 'Safe List' link to add a new contact to Your Safe List.
- Paste or type TurksAndCaicosGames email address into the box and click the 'Add' tab adjacent to the field. Complete this task by clicking the 'Save Changes' button.
- Sign into Your Yahoo! email account.
- Open Your address book and click on the 'Address' tab.
- Click the 'Add' tab button and the action will open the contact form.
- Paste or type TurksAndCaicosGames email address in the 'Email' field and click on 'Save'.
- Sign-in to Your Gmail email account.
- Open Your contacts list by clicking the 'Contacts' tab.
- Click the 'Add Contact' tab to open the 'Add Contact' page.
- Paste or type TurksAndCaicosGames email address into the 'Email' field and click the 'Add Contact' button.
- Sign into Your AOL email account.
- Click on the 'Addresses' menu tab.
- Click the 'New' and 'New Contact' button.
- Pop up window will appear. Paste or type TurksAndCaicosGames email address. Complete this section by clicking the 'Save' button.
- Sign into Your Earthlink email account.
- To open Your Address Book, click on the 'Address Book' link.
- To open the 'Companies' section of the address book, click on the 'Companies Domains' tab.
- Then click on the 'Add' tab. This action will open the 'Add A Company Domain Name' form.
- Type TurksAndCaicosGames email address into the text field provided. Then click the 'Allow This Company (Domain)' tab.
- Open Your Wanadoo mailbox.
- Double-click on the TurksAndCaicosGames message to open it in a separate window.
- Click with the right mouse button on the TurksAndCaicosGames e-mail address that You want to store.
- Then in the menu: Click on "Add to Address Book".
- From Inbox, click "Actions", then click "Junk e-mail", and click "Junk e-mail Options".
- Click "Safe Senders" tab.
- Enter TurksAndCaicosGames e-mail address into the block area and click "OK". Click "Apply" then "OK" in the "Safe Senders" tab.